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Sunday, July 1, 2012

An Abigail Update

All apologies for my hiatus; I've just had major writer's block the past few weeks when it comes to just about every aspect of my life. Anyways, here I am!

Today's is going to be a short post about getting shit done. As I sit across the table from my best friend and fellow writer for Just a Girl, Meg, I marvel at our ability to go from goofing off and slacking to productive and kick ass in a matter of minutes.

It's important to find a friend that equals your intelligence, your drive and ambition, and also shares the notion that sometimes a bit of rule breaking (we had our last McDonald's meal for a while this afternoon) never hurt anyone.

On a personal note, starting today, July 1st, I am working on getting back in control of my body. I don't mean starving myself or anything extreme but dieting, exercising and taking a mental break when needed. I've begun to write in my journal again, something that keeps me sane and allows me to get out my frustrations on paper rather than holding them in.

I applied for internship today. Finger's crossed I get it! I'll be back, no worries.
